BPC Newsletter - Issue #1
Online events, the Bitcoin Product Community's new FOSS initiative, and more!
What’s up everyone! Welcome to the first edition of the Bitcoin Product Community’s newsletter. We’ll be using this newsletter to share updates on our events, product and project management insights, and FOSS opportunities within the Bitcoin community.
Be sure to follow us on Substack and Twitter to stay up to date!
Steve Lee hosts a Twitter Spaces on PM’ing Bitcoin Core
“ecurrencyhodler” streams his workflow as a PM for FOSS project, Saving Satoshi
BPC continues its Learning Club series, with Marty Cagan’s Inspired
Steve Lee hosts Twitter Spaces on PMing for Bitcoin Core
Steve Lee, from SpiralBTC, hosted a Twitter Spaces on what it takes to PM Bitcoin Core. He outlines his journey to being a PM for Bitcoin Core, and what it takes to operate in that environment. You can listen to the spaces here. And, Steve wrote a great thread on some action items you can take after listening to the spaces.
Shadowing “ecurrencyhodler”, a Bitcoin FOSS PM
Andrew Yang, aka “ecurrencyhodler”, live streamed his workflow as a Bitcoin PM for Saving Satoshi. One of the biggest requests we received, after announcing the Bitcoin Product Community, was the opportunity to shadow FOSS PMs. This is a great chance to see a Bitcoin PM’s workflow first hand. You can watch the recording here.
Bitcoin Product Community’s Learning Club
A few weeks ago, Art Assoiants kicked off the BPC Reading Club initiative. This series is an educational series where aspiring Bitcoin PMs can study a specific education piece, and come together as a group to discuss their findings.
Meeting 1 (Mar 30, 2023), we discussed the foundational “janitor” article by Mat Balez - who joined us for the call!
Meeting 2 (Apr 27, 2023), we discussed Part 1 of Marty Cagan’s Inspired (2nd ed.). Sorry, no recording!
Meeting 3 (May 11, 2023), we discussed Part 2: “The Right Team.” Relive the recording here.
Join us for Meeting 4 on May 25 @ 9:30a PT, where we’ll discuss Part 3 of the book: “The Right (Product) Process.”
Ecosystem links
Learning Club Meeting 3: Marty Cagan’s Inspired, “The Right Team” section
Bitcoin Design to host a Global Accessibility Awareness Day for wallets
FOSS opportunities
We’re going to be creating an opportunity board where people who want to contribute to Bitcoin can match with Bitcoin FOSS projects! We see this board being the location where open-source projects submit contributor opportunities for community members. Check out this thread for more details. And, follow us on Twitter and Github to stay up to date on up and coming FOSS opportunities.
Community Proposals
As a global community, we follow a process called “Rough Consensus” to make decisions as a group. Rough consensus is when someone makes a proposal and then allows enough time for people from various time zones to give feedback. If there aren’t any major concerns or negative feedback, it is reasonable enough to assume rough consensus has been met and proposals are accepted by the community.
We currently have one proposal pending:
Migrate communication from Discord to FOSS Mattermost (Due date: 6/1/23)
Please leave any feedback you might have on the proposals!
Upcoming community events
May 25 @ 9:30am PT: Learning Club: Marty Cagan’s Inspired (2nd ed.). Part 3: “The Right Process.”
Share your thoughts
If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading! If you have any edits, suggestions for content, or general ideas for the Bitcoin Product Community newsletter, please reach out to us in our Discord channel.